100 Days of HomeLab
“#100DaysOfHomeLab is a challenge to improve your IT skills.” – Techno Tim
I will be updating my HomeLab here for anyone who is willing to listen…
Checkout my HomeLab posts.
This Tutorial is quick and simple, as long as all requirements are […]
WD My Passport Portable Drive This is just a quick note about […]
Today I will be installing Jellyfin server on a VM in Proxmox. […]
Why install Turnkey Linux Core in Proxmox as a template, well, I […]
I wanted to autostart and stop a container in Proxmox, this container […]
Today I am shrinking my container volumes so that I can back […]
Checkout My Instagram!
Images of my HomeLab
Here are all the images of my HomeLab, please note that they are not in any order as my server rack is constantly changing, as and when I buy / remove components.

About My Site
Hello, I’m Chris and this is my personal site to showcase my HomeLab and my progress in learning networking, virtualisation and server management. I hope you enjoy and learning from my HomeLab…